Dapper/Bunny Boy + Auto Upload System (Quest)
๑ஓ─── DAPPER/BUNNY BOY by ReFleX ───ஓ๑
- Bunny Boy Outfit
Shoes - New Lolipop System for "segzy time"
- Hand full of optimizations and improvements to the avatar
- New menu to use the Bunny outfit and customize it.
- Bunny shirt has a Grabbable toggle!
Everything Included
- Upload ready prefabs for 🔴Full version and 🟢Optimized Version
(Quest Package will also included) can be DL'd Separately and imported into new project, then uploaded normally using the same Blueprint ID as the pc avatars above to make them quest compatible) - Both Outfits are made ALL FROM SCRATCH
- Organized folders of each category of the avatar Clothing, Animations, Fbx, and Materials. Colors for the assets I made are Black, White, and red (with a few exemptions) All UV's are very simple for easy editing if wanted. Red textures can be hue shifted into any other color.
- All of my assets that I created in this project will be for sale at a later date
๑ஓ─── LMON UPLOADER ───ஓ๑
Lmon Uploader is a fully automated upload system
- Auto Uploads in 1 min
- Active 24/7
- No Unity is needed Just get straight to using your new avatar!
- Fully custom built api/app for creators to make their avatars available to customers in a quick fashion
- One click simplicity straight from your email after purchase.
- Quest Compatible!!
- Completely FREE for customers of purchasing avatars that use this system
- Mobile App (Android only atm) upload your avatar threw your phone, no pc needed
- All you have to do is download the Lmon uploader app and insert your special key you get and upload the avatar with a click of a button!
An email will be sent to you the day of purchase and your key and instantly ready to use!👍
Keep in mind this system is still in BETA.
We will be monitoring the system + tickets are available for support 24/7 if problems do occur, all staff will be ready to help here!
Join my Discord!Versions
🔴Full Version (All Toggles)
🟢Optimized Version (Very Limited Toggles)
If you have purchased the supporter roll be sure to join my discord and create a ticket to get your benefits!
Muscle System
His biceps, shoulders, and chest can flex and move!
This allows skinnier builds and bases to still have muscles just by bending the correct limb.
I worked really hard to perfect this specific setup for this model but I plan on in the future making my own base and changing EVERYTHING. For right now this system works really well and looks good in game. Its the details that matter.
- Hair
- Suit
- Straps of Cargo Pants
The suit can also collide with the legs
Grabbable Interactions
- Suit
- Hoodie
Can Grab the middle of the suit + bottom of the hoodie and pull them up or apart to dissolve the clothing off.
Suit must be pulled up and to the right to toggle correctly
High Quality Textures
Made with Substance Painter (High poly baked onto low poly workflow)
Big addition for Half-body or Desktop users and was a highly requested featured for my last project.
This locomotion prefab was created to improve the default controller. On top of that, you have multiple toggle to turn off legs movement or jump animation as example.
You can cycle between multiple pose to simulate that you have full body tracking.
-Sit/Laydown anywhere
There's a build-in play space feature that move your character up and down. Perfect for small character.
Special game loco toggle that enable advance movement for game map.
🟢= Optimized Version Pics
🔴= Full Version Pics
Lmk if you can tell the difference😉
Poiyomi Pro 7.3.50_and_8.2.017 < This is the exact Poiyomi I used to create this project.
Here is their Patrion if you'd like to purchase it. https://www.patreon.com/poiyomi
You can use the latest Poi pro it shouldn't matter.
If you don't have Poiyomi Pro or CANT get it you can use the latest free version of Poiyomi which at the time of this writing is (poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.166)
The only draw back is his Glasses wont look as good.
- VRC Creator Companion
- VRCFury
- Cargo Pants by KC
(Modified and optimized) I actually don't mind about reuse for this as long as you purchase it from KC and say I optimized the pair of pants. - Base Originally by Rhoda
(Heavily Modified by myself and Exo) Retextured a good bit and made the muscle system myself) This Version is not for sale and CANNOT be reused for commercial purposes. - Head by Zinpia (Heavily edited myself) No commercial Reuse
- Glasses by Crabman
- Hair 2 by The Oasis (optimized myself and re-rigged)
- Hair 1 by Delorblause (optimized and re-rigged)
- A couple shoe textures were made by Asmodeus (He did them for fun and they came out great so I used them)
- Tattoo Alphas Toa
- New Shoes byMeechu (available in his discord server)
- https://wholesomevr.gumroad.com LoliPop System
- https://saikura.gumroad.com/l/WhiteRabbit?layout=profile Bunny Ears
Lastly I wanna thank Meechu, Lucky, and JustSleightly hanging out almost everyday answering most of my questions and giving me tips. You guys were so much more help than you know. Love ya guys❤
Terms of Use
Buying my models means you agree to these terms
✦ DO NOT resell my models!
✦ DO NOT SHARE or give my models away to other people!
✦ You may NOT take parts of my avatars such as accessories and clothes and resell them (You can use them for personal/private avatars only), do not use my bases/hair for resells or reuploads. (unless stated other wise)
✦ If those rules above are broken I WILL take legal action against you
✦ If you buy a package of mine, please have the knowledge of using unity to upload the avatar! IF I do not have the time to help you, you can use the unity/blender help channel in my Discord Server. https://discord.gg/devilden
✦ If in the future, The price for this model changes that is my decision and you will not be reimbursed with the difference that was changed. You agree to these terms to buy the model now for this price and being able to wear said model at this time.
Must Purchase all said assets by other creators before considering selling them commercially
Thanks for reading.